Training Programs

Get access to all training programs for free when you sign up for FS Premium

All Programs Include:

  • EXACT sets, reps, exercises, exercise substitutions, rest times, and RPE targets

  • Google Sheet tracker to track every aspect of each workout throughout the program

  • Mobility routine to optimize recovery

  • Automatically calculated 1-rep-max on all compound movements to better track progress

Free for all premium members

Revolutionize your progress with our 12-week high frequency full-body program. Made for intermediate to advanced levels targeting each muscle group 4-5x per week for optimal growth, quality volume, and enhanced recovery.

Free for all premium members

Optimize your strength in the Big-3 and maximize lean muscle with our 12-week Push/Pull/Legs program. Designed for efficient strength gains and optimal recovery. Perfect for those seeking targeted progress and a balanced 3x week schedule.

Free for all premium members

A complete 12-week program featuring a 4-5 day split designed to maximize growth and sculpt your glutes. Dive into targeted workouts that promise visible gains and enhanced strength.

Free for all premium members

A complete 12-week program featuring a 4-5 day split designed to elevate your upper body strength and size with our specialized workout split - honing in on delt, chest, back, and arm development, while still maintaining leg engagement.

Mobility Programs:

Free for all premium members

This 8-week mobility program is made to be added on top of your normal training routine for those who want to strengthen and prioritize shoulder and upper back mobility.

Free for all premium members

This 8-week mobility program is made to be added on top of your normal training routine for those who want to strengthen and prioritize hip and lower back mobility.

Free for all premium members

This 8-week mobility program is made to be added on top of your normal training routine for those who want to strengthen and prioritize knee and mobility.